
Express yourself more...

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Write Less, Do more.

Built with the best helpers to enable your team get projects done faster.

Simple Config.

All Xpresser's configurations are loaded from one file, or an object which can be accessed/modified in your app with ease.

Structured For Real world Apps.

Xpresser gives you the best environment to structure your apps just the way you want and extend your apps using plugins.

Flexible Database System

Xpresser does not handle database connections, you have the freedom to use whichever database works for you.

Cli Support & Extensible.

our command-line tool xjs-cli provides great commands to generate Controllers, Middlewares, Models, Views e.t.c

And so much more.

There are few other features we don't want to overwhelm you with. Dive in to learn more.

# Play with XpresserJs