# Hello World (Single File)

Create a file: app.js and paste the codes below.

//> 1
const xpresser = require('xpresser');

//> 2
const $ = xpresser.init({
  env: 'development',
  name: 'My Xpresser App',
  paths: {base: __dirname},
  server: {port: 2000}

//> 3
$.on.boot(next => {
  // Register route.
  $.router.get('/', http => http.res.send('<h1>Hello World</h1>'));
  // Continue Boot    
  return next();

//> 4
  1. Require xpresser.
  2. Boot xpresser with your configuration.
    • $ is exposed as a global variable on boot, meaning it can be used in every file required/loaded in your project.
  3. Define index route in xpresser $.on.boot event
  4. Boot xpresser.

Run nodemon app.js or ts-node-dev app.ts and you should see your server started in console.

==> xpresser v{Your xpresser version}
==> Starting {Your App Name}...
==> Server started and available on http://localhost:2000/
==> PORT:2000

# Using MVC Structure.

When creating a real world application, You need Structure.

Xpresser provides MVC (Model, View & Controller) support out of the box.

To get started we need 3 files to achieve same Hello World.

  1. Boot File: where xpresser is called.
  2. Routes File: where routes are defined.
  3. Controller File: where actions to request are handled.

# Setup MVC Structure

Create Boot File: app.js

const xpresser = require('xpresser');

// Set Config
const config = {
  env: 'development',
  name: 'Xpresser App',
  paths: {
    // Base Folder (REQUIRED).
    base: __dirname,
    // Path to Controllers Folder
    controllers: 'controllers',
    // Routes File
    routesFile: 'routes.js'
  server: {port: 2000}

// Boot Server

In our single file example, we registered routes before calling $.boot(), well in this case we don't need that since we have specified a routesFile in our config.

See Configuration for more info.

# Routing

Create Routes file: routes.(js|ts)

paths.routesFile if defined in config, will be required by xpresser when booting up and all routes defined in it will be registered.

const router = require("xpresser").getInstanceRouter();

// "/"  => {index} method in AppController
router.get('/', 'AppController@index');

// "/about" => {about} method in AppController
router.get('/about', 'AppController@about');

Read more on routing: XpresserRouter.

Create Controller: AppController.(js|ts)

module.exports = {
  name: "AppController",
  index(http) {
    return http.res.send("<h1>Hello World</h1>");
  about(http) {
    return http.res.send("<h1>About Page</h1>");

# Run

# Javascript
node app.js

# Typescript
ts-node app.ts

Visit http://localhost:2000 (opens new window) on your browser, you should see Hello World and /about should show About Page

# What Next?

  1. Start a project using xjs-cli
  2. Configuration
  3. $ (The Dollar Sign)
  4. Routing