# Configuration

XpresserJs uses an object for configuration and must be set in your boot file.

# Setup

You can add configuration to your project using any of these methods you prefer.


const xpresser = require('xpresser');
xpresser.init({/*Your configurations here!*/});


const xpresser = require('xpresser');

Path to file

const xpresser = require('xpresser');
const configFile = __dirname + './config.js';


configFile will be required by xpresser if path exits.

# Default Configuration

The default configuration file can be found here: config.ts (opens new window) On boot your configuration is merged with the default configuration below. Any keys missing in your configuration will be replaced with the default value.

See: Detailed explanation of all default configurations

# use.json

When it comes to modifying or extending xpresser core files, the use.json comes in handy. The use.json simply tells xpresser path to files you want added to your project.

Contents of the use.json depends on your project and what you want todo.

Note: By default the use.json should be located in your jsonConfigs folder

  "extends": {
    "RequestEngine": "path/to/RequestEngine.js"
  "globalMiddlewares": [

The declaration above tells xpresser to extend its core RequestEngine file with yours and to add a global middleware to your project.

# plugins.json

The plugins.json contains a list of plugins added in your project.

# Array deprecation.

From xpresser version 0.5.0 onwards, the plugins.json content will be an object instead of an array.

Note: npm:// is a shorthand for your node_modules folder.

# Why the change?

Using array came with a few limitations for the framework and plugin consumer.

  • Duplicates: Stop possibility of declaring a plugin twice. With arrays, you can list a plugin twice++, but when using objects it will trigger an error.
  • Options: With objects we can add options that will determine how a plugin will work. see more about options below.

# Disable plugin

In the example below, @xpresser/file-uploader will not be loaded.

  "npm://@xpresser/session": true,
  "npm://@xpresser/file-uploader": false

The above can still be written as:

  "npm://@xpresser/session": true,
  "npm://@xpresser/file-uploader": {
    "load": false

The latter can be used when you still have more options. load=true unless defined false.

# Set plugin environment.

There are some plugins that are meant for a particular environment. You can define them like so:

  "npm://@xpresser/session": true,
  "npm://@xpresser/ngrok": {
    "load": true,
    "env": "development"

@xpresser/ngrok will only load when in development mode. You can also use array for multiple environments like so:

  "npm://@xpresser/session": true,
  "npm://@xpresser/ngrok": {
    "load": true,
    "env": [