# $

The $ sign is a global variable exposed by xpresser and can be accessed by any file used in your project. It contains functions that will serve as helpers in your project.

# Config

# $.config

# Type: ObjectCollection (opens new window)

Carries the config object of your application as a collection, Both default and defined.


if ($.config.get('server.port') === 443) {
  $.log("You are using https.");

if (!$.config.has('project.theme')) {
  $.logErrorAndExit("No {project.theme} config defined.");

$.config.get('name', 'Xpresser');
// => Name of your application or set default

// => /path/to/your/base/folder

# UseEngine

Use engine provides easy to type helpers for file requirement. All helpers also understands xpresser SmartPaths e.g base://

# $.use.file()

# Type: Function Args: (path: string)

Requires file, throws error if file does not exist.


const data = $.use.file('base://data.json');
// => {maybe: 'some json data in data.json'}
// OR
// Error: File {path} does not exist!

# $.use.model()

# Type: Function Args: (model: string, handleError = true)

Require Model using model folder config specified in paths.models, throws error and exits if file does not exist unless handleError = false.


const User = $.use.model('User');
// => Requires file {/path/to/models/folder/User.js}

# $.use.middleware()

# Type: Function Args: (middleware: string, handleError = true)

Require Middleware using middleware folder config specified in paths.middlewares, throws error and exits if file does not exist unless handleError = false.


const Auth = $.use.middleware('Auth');
// => Requires file: {/path/to/middleware/folder/Auth.js}

# $.use.controller()

# Type: Function Args: (controller: string, handleError = true)

Require Controller using controller folder config specified in paths.controllers, throws error and exits if file does not exist unless handleError = false.


const AppController = $.use.controller('AppController');
// => Requires file: {/path/to/controller/folder/AppController.js}

# Others

# $.store

# Type: ObjectCollection (opens new window)

A collection for storing/getting data anywhere in your project.
Note: Plugins may also store data they feel you may need here.


$.store.set('foo', 'bar');

// Some where else in your project files.
// => 'bar'

# $.http

This holds the Node Server Instance (opens new window) of your application, and it is only available when your server has started.

# $.https

Sames as $.http but for the https server.