[ { "_id": "MongoID", "username": "testuser", "joined": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }, { "_id": "MongoID", "username": "testuser2", "joined": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }, { "_id": "MongoID", "username": "testuser3", "joined": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } ]
# Events & Getters
xpress-mongo emits events on Create, Update & Delete queries ran by model instance functions.
NOTE: Only use if your version >=0.8.0
# Model
The snippet below shows a Model that has an update
event registered to it.
Examples made on this page will make reference to this model.
const {is} = require('xpress-mongo'); const connection = require('path/to/your/connection'); class User extends connection.model('users') { static schema = { name: is.String().required(), avatar: is.String().required(), updatedAt: is.Date(), createdAt: is.Date().required() } } // Add on `update` event User.on('update', (user) => { // set `updatedAt` to current date. user.set('updatedAt', new Date()); });
Note: The instance of the current model will be passed to your event function on execution.
# Events
Events tagged as Before
events runs synchronously before the database call is made while After
events runs
asynchronously after the database call in the background.
# Before (sync)
# After (asynchronous)
# create
Runs synchronously before every new document is created.
/** * DECLARATION */ User.on('create', user => { // Set name to upper case user.set('name', user.data.name.toUpperCase()); // Set Default avatar user.data.avatar = '/path/to/defualt_avatar.png'; }); /** * IMPLEMENTAION */ let user = {name: 'John Doe'}; user = await User.new(user); // Event is called // OR user = await new User().set(user).saveAndReturn(); // Event is called /** User { name: "JOHN DOE", avatar: "/path/to/defualt_avatar.png", updatedAt: "2021-04-21T11:20:31.051Z", createdAt: "2021-04-21T11:20:31.051Z" } */
The create event also supports targeting fields using the dot operator.
if value returned !== undefined
, xpress-mongo will set the value of the targeted field to the value returned.
/** * on every new document `avatar` will be set to '/images/default.png' if undefined. * because a defined value is returned. */ User.on('create.avatar', (user) => { if (!user.data.avatar) return '/images/default.png'; })
# created
This event fires in the background whenever you add a new document.
User.on("created", user => { console.log(`User: ${user.data.name} has just signed up!`) })
# update
This event runs before a document is updated.
User.on('update', onUpdateFunction); const user = await User.findById(ObjectId) // Returns instance. await user.update({name: 'Paul Dean'}); // onUpdateFunction is called // OR await user.set({name: 'Paul Dean'}).save(); // onUpdateFunction is called
The update event also supports targeting fields using the dot operator.
if a !undefined value is returned, xpress-mongo will set the value of the targeted field to the value returned
/** * on every update and model has changes `updatedAt` date will be refreshed. * because a defined value is returned. */ User.on('update.updatedAt', (user) => { return user.hasChanges() ? new Date() : undefined });
Notice the use of .hasChanges()
, this is because all update event functions are called even when you have not made any
real changes.
# deleted
This event runs in background after a document is deleted.
Note: The delete event does not support using dot operator on fields.
// This event deletes user avatar every time a user is deleted. User.on('deleted', (user) => { try { fs.unlinkSync(user.data.avatar); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } }); const user = await User.findById(ObjectId) // Returns instance. await user.delete(); // event is called after delete
# watch
The watch event is a special event that occurs after a real change has been made to a field. Just Like the ** delete** event, it runs in the background.
Note: The watch event only supports the dot target for field names.
/** This event crops user avatar in the backround * every time the value of avatar is changed in any document. */ User.on('watch.avatar', user => { cropNewAvatar(user.data.avatar) }); await user.update({avatar: 'new/avatar/file/path.png'}); // function is called // OR await user.set({avatar: 'new/avatar/file/path.png'}).save(); // function is called
# Getters
Since fields can be modified using update.fieldName
events before saving to the database we can call them setters. but
what about getters? This is where static append = []
model property comes in.
# append
For Example
const {is} = require("xpress-mongo"); const moment = require("moment"); class User extends XMongoModel { // Set Functions to be appended. static append = ["joinedTimeAgo"]; // Schema static schema = { username: is.String().required(), joined: is.Date().required(), } // Convert joined field to TimeAgo String joinedTimeAgo() { return moment(this.data.joined).fromNow(); } }
The class above has the method joinedTimeAgo
in it's append
This will automatically add the result of joinedTimeAgo
to your Model instance results.
Using the above Model class
const user = await User.findOne({/* Query */}); // Or const user = await User.findById(/* ID */); /*{ _id: MongoID username: 'testuser' joined: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' joinedTimeAgo: '1 year ago' }*/
Note: The appended data will only be available on a model instance document.
# Multiple Results
When handling multiple results you won't get the append
function unless you convert the array of results to model
For Example