# xpress-mongo Schema

Mongodb is a schemaless database, so you have the choice to use without a schema. The schema xpress-mongo provides does not force any type unless defined. it serves a structure for your models and gives you an insight of what your data should look like in the database.

# Basic Example

const {is} = require('xpress-mongo');

class Orders extends connection.model('orders') {
  // Set Model Schema
  static schema = {
    itemId: is.ObjectId().required(),
    itemTitle: is.String(),
    qunatity: is.Number().required(),
    status: is.String('pending').required(),
    paypalPaymentId: is.String(),
    updatedAt: is.Date().required(),
    createdAt: is.Date().required()

module.exports = Orders;

# is - SchemaBuilder

xpress-mongo comes with predefined schema builders, they are stored in an exported variable named is

const {is} = require('xpress-mongo');

Note: all schema functions returns an instance of XMongoDataType

# is.Any()

Set a field to accept any type of data passed in.

const UserSchema = {
  field: is.Any().required()

# is.Array()

Set a field to type of Array. Has default value of () => [].

const UserSchema = {
  hobbies: is.Array(),
  // with default value
  languages: is.Array(() => ["en"])

Note: when declaring a default value for is.Array and is.Object you must use a function. This is to prevent any mutation on default values.

# is.Boolean()

Set a field to type of Boolean. Has default value of false.

const UserSchema = {
  isAdmin: is.Boolean(),
  // with default value
  sendNewsletters: is.Boolean(true)

# is.CustomValidator()

Set a custom validator and error on the fly using the custom validator schema type.

// Syntax
is.CustomValidator(validatorFunction, errorMessage);

// Example
const usernameValidator = is.CustomValidator((username) => {
      return new RegExp(/* Some Check */).test(username)
    'Username contains invalid characters.'

// Usage
const UserSchema = {
  username: usernameValidator.required()

The is.CustomValidator returns a type of XMongoDataType, meaning you have same instanced methods like every other schema type.

Note: The error argument can also accept a function.

const usernameValidator = is.CustomValidator((username) => {
      return new RegExp(/* Some Check */).test(username)
    (key) => `{$key} contains invalid characters.`

# is.Date()

Set a field to type of Date. Has default value of the current date: `new Date()

const PostSchema = {
  createdAt: is.Date(),
  // with default value
  publishedAt: is.Date('Fri, 03 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT')

# is.InArray()

Checks if the value of a field is in a specified array.

const allowedStatus = ["pending", "completed", "cancelled"];
const genders = ["unknown", "male", "female"];

const UserSchema = {
  gender: is.InArray(genders),
  // With default value 'pending'
  status: is.InArray(allowedStatus, "pending")

# is.Number()

Set a field to type of Number. Has default value of 0.

const VideoSchema = {
  views: is.Number(),
  // with default value
  minimumAge: is.Number(16),

# is.Object()

Set a field to type of Object. Has default value of () => {}.

const UserSchema = {
  deviceId: is.Object(),
  // with default value
  address: is.Object(() => ({
    city: null,
    state: null,
    country: null

Note: when declaring a default value for is.Array and is.Object you must use a function. This is to prevent any mutation on default values.

# is.ObjectId()

Set a field to type of mongodb ObjectId and has no default value.

const PostSchema = {
  userId: is.ObjectId().required()

# is.String()

Set a field to type of String. Has no default value.

Note: If an array is passed instead of a string is.InArray() is used.

const UserSchema = {
  email: is.String(),
  // with default value
  status: is.String('pending'),
  // Array as option means strictly any of these
  role: is.String(["admin", "subscriber", "editor"])

// Using array as option is same as
is.InArray(["admin", "subscriber", "editor"])

# is.Types()

Set a field to multiple Types. Inherits default value of the first type if any.

const CommentSchema = {
  // String or ObjectId (Default: 'admin')
  author: is.Types([
  // Number or ObjectId (Default: 1)
  published: is.Types([

The properties of the first type in the array will be inherited by is.Types(). The default string defined on line 4 admin will be inherited.

Default variables can also be defined using .default(value) as seen in line 12 above.

# is.Uuid()

Set a field to type of "Uuid String" (opens new window) specifying the version of uuid as first argument.
The versions of uuid are 1, 3, 4 & 5, if you don't have any idea of the version togo with then use 4.
Why 4? Because 4 requires no extra configurations

class Transaction extends model('transactions') {
  // Set Model Schema
  static schema = {
    id: is.Uuid(4, {/*..config..*/}).required(),
    amount: is.Number().required()

console.log(Transaction.make({amount: 200}));

 * Transaction {
 *   data: {
 *     id: 'efae452f-bd6f-4349-8cbf-7a755ef88702',
 *     amount: 200
 *   }
 * }

# Schema Instance Methods

Methods available on XMongoDataType instance are:

# cast()

# Args: (cast: Function)

Sets/Overrides the cast function of the schema. The cast function receives two arguments when it's been called. Whatever is returned by the cast function is sent to the database.

# value - Value of the current field. key - Key of the current field.
const stringToDate = (value, key) => {
  return new Date(value);

new XMongoDataType('ValidDateString', true).cast(stringToDate)

# default()

# Args: ($default: any | function)

Set/Override the default value of a schema. When default values are defined, xpress-mongo uses them and won't throw any error when a field is required but undefined.

Note: if a function is passed as a default value, it will be executed, and the return value will be used.

// is same with
// is same with
is.String().default(() => 'pending');

usage depends on your preference, for readability you can decide to use .default().
Can also be used to override any previous default values.

// Default value overwriten to '404'

# optional()

Sets required to false. When a field is optional xpress-mongo does not throw any error when it's undefined but will validate when a value is defined.

// is same with

# undefined()

Sets default value to undefined. if value of field is undefined and required xpress-mongo will throw an ** error**.

is.Number() // default value = 0

is.Number().undefined() // default value = undefined

is.Number().default(undefined) // default value = undefined

# required()

# Args: (value?: boolean)

The required method sets if a particular field required or not.

// set to false

# requiredIf()

# Args: (fn: RequiredIf)

Sets field to required depending on the boolean value returned by the function passed.

Note: Function passed gets model instance as first argument.

const FileSchema = {
  // Accept either "image" | "audio"
  type: is.String(["image", "audio"]).required(),
  // Require duration only if file type is "audio"
  duration: is.String().requiredIf(file => {
    // check if current instance type is "audio"
    return file.data.type === "audio"

# validator()

Sets/Overrides the validator function/functions of the schema.

# Single Validator Function

The validation function receives the current value of the field being validated and can return either: true|false

new XMongoDataType('adultOnly').validator(age => age > 18);

# Multiple Validators (and|or)

xpress-mongo also provides a method for you to validate against multiple functions using the and or or object rules

and - All functions must return true
or - Any of the functions must return true

Only one of the keys can be defined. if both is defined or will be used.

new XMongoDataType('name').validator({
  or: [function1, function2]

new XMongoDataType('name').validator({
  and: [function1, function2]

# validatorError()

# Args: (errorFn: Function)

Set/Override schema validation error. The function received given passed the current name of the field being validated as first argument.

new XMongoDataType('name').validatorError(() => "Error Message")
// or with key
new XMongoDataType('name').validatorError(key => `${Key} is not valid!`)

# Strict Schema

# Version >=1.1.0 - Property: static strict - Type: boolean | {removeNonSchemaFields: boolean}

By default, xpress-mongo allows fields not defined in schema to be added to your database if they exist. For example:

class User extends XMongoModel {
  static schema = {
    firstName: is.String(),
    lastName: is.String(),

// Add new document
const user = await User.new({
  email: "hello@example.com",
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",

// {
//   email: "hello@example.com",
//   firstName: "John",
//   lastName: "Doe",
// }

email will be added to the database even when it does not exist in the schema. To prevent this, a static strict property must be declared in the model like so:

class User extends XMongoModel {
  // Enable Strict
  static strict = true;
  static schema = {
    firstName: is.String(),
    lastName: is.String(),

// Add new document
const user = await User.new({
  email: "hello@example.com",
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",

// Error: STRICT: "email" is not defined in schema.

If strict is enabled, xpress-mongo will throw an error anytime a field not defined in the schema is being validated, saved or updated.

# Remove Non Schema Fields

Instead of throwing an error when a field not defined in schema is found, we can tell xpress-mongo to remove the unknown fields for us by setting strict to { removeNonSchemaFields: true }

class User extends XMongoModel {
  // Enable strict
  static strict = {removeNonSchemaFields: true};
  static schema = {
    firstName: is.String(),
    lastName: is.String(),

// Add new document
const user = await User.new({
  email: "hello@example.com",
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",

// {
//   firstName: "John",
//   lastName: "Doe",
// }

email will be ignored and removed from data because it is not defined in schema.

# Custom Schema Type

Custom schema types can be created by making a function that returns new instance of XMongoDataType class and providing the following:

  • Name of schema.
  • Validator function.
  • Validator error message.
  • Cast function (optional).
  • Default value (optional).

The default types above were all created same way and bundled with the package.

function customSchema(defaultValue) {
  return new XMongoDataType('SchemaName', defaultValue).validator(currentFieldValue => {
    // do something with currentFieldValue
    return true | false;
  }).validatorError(currentField => `${currentField} is not what we want!`)

const modelSchema = {
  field: customSchema('A default value.').required()

# Examples

Below are examples of how is.String() && is.Array() was created.

const is = {
  String(def = undefined) {
    return new XMongoDataType('String', def).validator(str => typeof str === "string").
        validatorError((key) => `(${key}) is not a String`);
  Array(def = () => []) {
    return new XMongoDataType('Array', def).validator(array => Array.isArray(array)).
        validatorError((key) => `(${key}) is not an Array`);

The method of using a function that returns a new XMongoDataType is only a concept to provide re-usability. There may be cases where you don't need to reuse i.e The Schema only applies to one Model's field, you can create them like below:

isAnAdult - checks if the age passed is old enough
isSixNumbers - checks if the ticket number is a valid ticket number.

const isAnAdult = new XMongoDataType('isAnAdult').validator(age => age >= 18).
    validatorError(() => `Too young to see this movie.`)

const isValidTicket = new XMongoDataType('isValidTicket').validator(str => str && !isNaN(str) && str.length === 6)
    // with key - Name of current field being validated
    .validatorError((key) => `${key} is not a six digits number.`)

const AdultMovieTicketSchema = {
  name: is.String().required(),
  age: isAnAdult.required(),
  ticketNumber: isValidTicket.required()